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Connecting tomorrow with today

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Employer branding

Practice what you preach. Energie Beheer Nederland (EBN) needs to undergo its own transformation if it is to continue to play a meaningful role in the energy transition. It needs to move from monitoring and checking to advising, directing and initiating. This will require reskilling its current employees and recruiting new talent. So EBN asks PROOF to develop a strong employer brand and provide its employees and managers with tools to implement and share EBN’s story.


Following discussions with various stakeholders, we develop a concept called “Connecting tomorrow with today” for internal and employer branding. The concept links tomorrow’s sustainable energy requirements with the opportunities and people involved today.

Next, we and EBN translate the story into a call to action for employees. In videos and articles, employees will explain what it is like to use their expertise to shape climate and energy policy. For example, by researching how we can use the earth’s crust to provide heating, or by studying geothermal energy. The idea is twofold: 1), to get them to share stories about their work and the way in which they are “connecting tomorrow with today”, and 2), to use their enthusiasm and their passion to attract the new talent that EBN needs for its own transition.


The concept is launched internally with a short but high-energy talk show in which the board emphasise how important it is for EBN employees to talk about their contribution to the energy transition. Bottom line: if we don’t tell it, no one will know what EBN does.

To be continued…

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Sascha Becker
managing director


Valschermkade 37C

1059 CD Amsterdam

The Netherlands